Commonly known as the Matted Pea Bush, Pultenaea pedunculata is a hardy and dense groundcover with lush green foliage and vibrant red and yellow pea flowers in spring and summer. The masses of flowers are bee and butterfly attracting meaning this groundcover plant is ideal for encouraging wildlife to your area. Pultenaea looks amazing planted on the edge of a retaining wall where it can cascade over, and if grown in a pot ensure a potting mix for Australian Natives is used. This tough little ground cover will thrive on neglect once established
Soil: Prefers a well-drained soil and will grow in gravelly soil.
Conditions: Full sun to partial shade. Frost, drought and coastal tolerant.
Size: Height 0.60m x width 3m
Soil: Prefers a well-drained soil and will grow in gravelly soil.
Conditions: Full sun to partial shade. Frost, drought and coastal tolerant.
Size: Height 0.60m x width 3m