Sharwil avocados are medium-sized, narrow pear-shaped fruits. They are characterized by their rough green skin which stays green and does not turn black as it ripens. Their smooth, creamy flesh houses one of the smallest seeds of any avocado, which means there’s an ample amount of buttery flesh inside each fruit. It also has a high oil content that gives it a deliciously rich, nutty flavor. Sharwill is a ‘B’ type flowering variety that needs a cross pollinator to produce a good crop (Hass is suitable).
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun with protection from strong winds. Prefers warmer climates- temps above 5C
Size: Height 10m x width 8-10m
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun with protection from strong winds. Prefers warmer climates- temps above 5C
Size: Height 10m x width 8-10m