Melaleuca Ulladulla Beacon is a prostrate form of Melaleuca hypericifolia. It has a naturally soft weeping habit and makes a dense, quick-growing mounding or carpeting shrub. Ulladulla Beacon flowers in spring, producing large bright orangey-red brush flowers that are attractive to birds and nectar-seeking insects. The gorgeous foliage is best displayed
as a spill-over on walls, steep slopes, rocks and garden edges.
Note- Melaleuca hypericifolia has become a pest plant on the south coast of Victoria where it can displace the local vegetation. It is advisable not to plant it next to natural bushland.
Soil: Well-drained soils
Conditions: Full sun or part shade. Frost, wind, salt, coastal and drought hardy.
Size: Height 0.40m x width 2m
as a spill-over on walls, steep slopes, rocks and garden edges.
Note- Melaleuca hypericifolia has become a pest plant on the south coast of Victoria where it can displace the local vegetation. It is advisable not to plant it next to natural bushland.
Soil: Well-drained soils
Conditions: Full sun or part shade. Frost, wind, salt, coastal and drought hardy.
Size: Height 0.40m x width 2m