Lomandra confertifolia Echidna Grass is a clump-forming native grass with lush, narrow lime-green foliage. Masses of delicate cream flowers grow amongst the vibrant foliage. With its tufty appearance, Echidna Grass is ideal for massed planting as it gives outstanding coverage and will smother out weeds in time. Prune after flowering to promote dense growth habit and prolific blooms during the next flowering season.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Coastal, frost, humid and drought tolerant.
Size: Height 0.30-0.50cm x width 0.30m
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Coastal, frost, humid and drought tolerant.
Size: Height 0.30-0.50cm x width 0.30m