A stunning, larger-growing leucadendron with striking dark burgundy/black foliage, Leucadendron Burgundy Sunset (Leucadendron laureolum hybrid) features deep raspberry-red flower bracts in autumn creating a statement piece at any time of the year. Suitable for cut flowers, Burgundy Sunset is equally at home in garden beds or on display in pots and containers. Ensure an Australian native potting mix and fertilier is used if growing in pots, and select a pot with adequate drainage holes as these plants do not like to be waterlogged.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Drought, light frost, heat and coastal tolerant.
Size: Height 2.5m x width 2m
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Drought, light frost, heat and coastal tolerant.
Size: Height 2.5m x width 2m