Brilliant red flowers on a low-growing plant make Leptospermum Outrageous one of the best tea trees for ornamental garden use. A hybrid between Leptospermum polygalifolium Cardwell and Leptospermum Rhiannon, Outrageous is a low-spreading shrub with small mid-green leaves and showy large red flowers that age to pink in spring. The branches have a natural pendulous or drooping habit - it can be used as a low-growing hedge or as a feature plant in the garden. In flower, it will attract bees, beneficial insects and birds to the garden, as well as supplying a habitat for smaller birds.
Soil: Likes well-drained but moist soil.
Conditions: Sunny to light shade position. Tolerates a light frost.
Size: Height 2m x width 1.5m
Soil: Likes well-drained but moist soil.
Conditions: Sunny to light shade position. Tolerates a light frost.
Size: Height 2m x width 1.5m