Hoya carnosa - sold in hanging baskets - is a tropical indoor plant often called a “Wax Plant” due to its thick waxy leaves. This perennial, vine-like species is popular due to its foliage, unique curling vines, and striking porcelain-like flowers. The fragrant, star-shaped flowers appear in parachute-shaped clusters and may produce a sticky sap, adding to the plant's distinctive charm. Never cut the long curling vines as leaves and flower clusters develop from these. Keep in the same pot for years, but remember to fertilize throughout spring and summer. All Hoyas need to be potted in planters with drainage.
Soil: These plants are very sensitive to too much water, so be sure to use a well-draining soil with plenty of pumice and/or perlite.
Conditions: To grow Hoya carnosa successfully, place it in indirect light or partial shade, avoiding direct sunlight. The plant prefers warmer temperatures, ideally between 10 and 24ºC, and high humidity levels of 60% or more.
Size: Depends on the size of the baskets though the tendrils can grow up to 6m long.
Soil: These plants are very sensitive to too much water, so be sure to use a well-draining soil with plenty of pumice and/or perlite.
Conditions: To grow Hoya carnosa successfully, place it in indirect light or partial shade, avoiding direct sunlight. The plant prefers warmer temperatures, ideally between 10 and 24ºC, and high humidity levels of 60% or more.
Size: Depends on the size of the baskets though the tendrils can grow up to 6m long.