Corymbia maculata - Spotted Gum - is a large native tree with a tall, straight trunk with a beautiful mottled camouflage appearance as old bark sheds in summer. Foliage is dark green and glossy with small, fragrant white flowers right through autumn and winter. The blossoms produce good quality pollen for bees, nectar for honeyeaters, and leaves are favoured by koalas. Excellent for screening, shade, or as a specimen tree, revegetation and koala habitat. Good paddock tree as the thick bark resists gnawing.
Soil: Well-drained soil. Does not like wet feet
Conditions: Full sun. Stake and protect from strong winds until the plant is established. Can be frost tender in prolonged frost sites. Tolerant of most Australian climates.
Size: Height 30m x width 10m
Soil: Well-drained soil. Does not like wet feet
Conditions: Full sun. Stake and protect from strong winds until the plant is established. Can be frost tender in prolonged frost sites. Tolerant of most Australian climates.
Size: Height 30m x width 10m