Citrus sinensis Orange Valencia Seedless Dwarf Grafted is an attractive compact tree. This seedless orange is a bud sport of the Valencia, maturing a little earlier with heavy crops fruiting from September to December. Often it will carry new season blossoms while holding ripening fruits, as they stay well on the tree into summer. This seedless variety is self-pollinating so one tree is all you need. The dwarf rootstock, Flying Dragon, modifies the top growth - making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Warm temperate and sub-tropical climates. Frost hardy.
Size: Height 1-2m x width 1m
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Warm temperate and sub-tropical climates. Frost hardy.
Size: Height 1-2m x width 1m