Orange Valencia Seedless is a neat compact evergreen fruit tree. The foliage is a lovely rich green which holds its colour all year round. Petite white fragrant blooms appear in late summer and spring. Following the blooms, large rounded, juicy oranges with thin skin develop. Often it will carry new season blossoms whilst also holding ripening fruits, as they stay well on the tree into summer. Fertilise Orange Valencia throughout the peak growing seasons and keep the tree well-watered throughout summer. Self-pollinating so one tree is all you need.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Protect from strong winds especially during flowering or while fruit is forming.
Size: Height 3-4m x width 3-4m
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Protect from strong winds especially during flowering or while fruit is forming.
Size: Height 3-4m x width 3-4m