The wonderful new camellia Slimline With Love is elegant and upright and will flower all autumn with an abundance of lightly perfumed, soft pink blooms. Hardy once established, With Love flowers early and in abundance, making it the perfect choice for hedging pots or as a standalone feature.
Soil: Prefers to be grown in humus-rich, well-draining soil.
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Will grow Australia-wide and is tolerant of both heat and light frost, but may need protection in extreme situations.
Size: Height 2-3m x width 1-2m
Soil: Prefers to be grown in humus-rich, well-draining soil.
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Will grow Australia-wide and is tolerant of both heat and light frost, but may need protection in extreme situations.
Size: Height 2-3m x width 1-2m