Beatrice Emily has a dense, upright growth habit and pretty, double white flowers with mauve pink shading on the reverse outer petal. Sasanqua Camellias are sun-loving camellias that will flower heavily in autumn and early winter with minimal care. With a dense, compact habit and upright growth, it is ideal for screens, hedging, large containers and espaliers. Lightly prune every couple of years to create density and maintain shape.
Soil: Well-drained soil. A deep soaking in the peak of summer will benefit the plant.
Conditions: Prefers a full to part shade position. Frost and coastal hardy
Size: Height 2m x width 2m
Soil: Well-drained soil. A deep soaking in the peak of summer will benefit the plant.
Conditions: Prefers a full to part shade position. Frost and coastal hardy
Size: Height 2m x width 2m