Callistemon sieberi Sugar Candy

Callistemon sieberi Sugar Candy

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$18.00 AUD
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$18.00 AUD
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Callistemon Sugar Candy shows off candy-pink brushes full of nectar that is sure to bring the honeyeaters from far and wide. Sugar Candy produces superb displays in early spring and then again in late summer on an upright large shrub. It makes a great feature plant or can be used for formal or informal hedgework as the new leaf growth is silvery in colour and a feature in its own right. The plants can be pruned to whatever shape you require but if an informal look is desired just give them a light prune behind the spent flowers and feed with a low phosphorus fertiliser for Australian plants.

Soil: Suitable for a wide range of soils.
Conditions: Will grow well in part shade to full sun. Drought, frost and coastal tolerant.
Size: Height 2.5-3m x width 1.5-2m