Buddleja Wisteria Lane, known as Summer Lilac or Butterfly Bush, is an unusual, dainty butterfly bush. It displays long weeping clusters of scented mauve flowers that hang like a wisteria hence its name.
Wisteria Lane is relatively compact and is suitable for a large patio container as it flowers all summer and autumn. It thrives with annual pruning in early spring to promote growth and blooms. Wisteria Lane is a glorious addition to your garden, and a blessing for butterflies, birds and insects!
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Coastal, frost and heat tolerant.
Size: Height 1m x width 1m
Wisteria Lane is relatively compact and is suitable for a large patio container as it flowers all summer and autumn. It thrives with annual pruning in early spring to promote growth and blooms. Wisteria Lane is a glorious addition to your garden, and a blessing for butterflies, birds and insects!
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Conditions: Full sun. Coastal, frost and heat tolerant.
Size: Height 1m x width 1m