Bracteantha Elite Citrine

Bracteantha Elite Citrine

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$15.00 AUD
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$15.00 AUD
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Bracteantha Elite Citrine is a vision with glorious, deep-gold-yellow paper-like daisies! Profusely flowering through-out September to May, Elite Citrine will continue to flower if trimmed after a flush is completed. Everlasting daisies, known as strawflowers, are native perennial wildflowers that grow quickly and easily to provide bursts of vibrant colour over a long season. The abundant blooms are great for cut flowers and dried flowers will last for years. The evergreen paper daisies are excellent for landscapes, rockeries and containers.

Soil: Tolerant of poor soils. Requires good drainage.
Conditions: Sunny positions. Drought tolerant and can tolerate light frosts.
Size: Height 0.20-0.50m x width 0.20-0.50m