Although Boronia megastigma, or the Brown Boronia, has a reputation for being touchy and short-lived, it is worth growing for the beautifully perfumed flowering in spring. The small fragrant blooms are abundant and feature shades of brown to red-brown with contrasting yellow centres. It is often pot grown so it can be moved to where the fragrance can float through the garden and home. The Brown Boronia will benefit from a feed with a good native fertilizer before flowering, and a light tip prune after flowering is recommended.
Soil: Humus rich, moist and well drained.
Conditions: Part shade to light shade. The boronia loves a cool root run, which can be ensured with a good layer of mulch. A large rock or two will also help. Drought tolerant.
Size: Height 1m x width 0.80m
Soil: Humus rich, moist and well drained.
Conditions: Part shade to light shade. The boronia loves a cool root run, which can be ensured with a good layer of mulch. A large rock or two will also help. Drought tolerant.
Size: Height 1m x width 0.80m