Banksia grandis, also known as Bull banksia, is an iconic Western Australian shrub renowned for its spectacular yellow flower heads and large toothed foliage. Standing tall as a small tree or large shrub, it serves as a striking feature in any garden, particularly suited for coastal areas. With a height range from 5 to 10 metres, some specimens can even reach up to 15 metres under optimal conditions. This species is remarkably low-maintenance, thriving in well-drained sandy soils while displaying moderate frost tolerance. Although it is slow to flower, the wait is well worth it for the stunning foliage. Banksia is adaptable to container growth and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is phosphorus sensitive, thus benefiting from a good native fertiliser during feeding time.
Soil: Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam. Well-drained.
Conditions: Prefers full sun to partial shade.
Size: H 8m x W 5m
Soil: Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam. Well-drained.
Conditions: Prefers full sun to partial shade.
Size: H 8m x W 5m