A deciduous weeping shrub, Acer palmatum dissectum Atropurpureum is a form of Japanese Maple. It is noted for its ferny, lace-like foliage that emerges purple-red in spring, matures to green with purple tints in summer and finally turns a showy orange-red in autumn. Small reddish flowers in spring are somewhat attractive on close inspection but are not showy from a distance. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilise when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune to shape if necessary.
Soil: Best grown in moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soils
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Avoid hot and dry sites. Protect from strong winds.
Size: Height 1.8-2m x width 1.8-2m
Soil: Best grown in moist, organically rich, slightly acidic, well-drained soils
Conditions: Full sun to part shade. Avoid hot and dry sites. Protect from strong winds.
Size: Height 1.8-2m x width 1.8-2m