Mandevilla Aloha Pink Perfection

Mandevilla Aloha Pink Perfection

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$18.00 AUD
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$18.00 AUD
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Aloha Pink Perfection is the only Australian-bred mandevilla on the market that will NOT FADE in the heat of summer! Beautiful, vibrant pink flowers adorn this gorgeous plant that will climb, trail or cascade. Add colour to your garden with this bold and beautiful flowering vine as the vibrant eye-catching bright pink blooms flower continuously from spring until autumn. They like something to climb up like wire mesh fencing, arbors, trellises or
pergolas. Mandevilla enjoy a feed now and again so use either a general purpose controlled release fertiliser in spring and autumn or one of the many liquid feeds. You’ll be rewarded with denser, healthier foliage and increased flowering response. Cut back to desired shape after flowering and they will even respond to a hard cut. Best to do that before winter at the end of their flowering season.

Soil: Plant them in compost-rich, free-draining soil directly in the ground or in a pot.
Conditions: Full sun. Drought and coastal tolerant. Frost tender.
Size: Height 4m x width 0.5m