Cyclamen, also known as florist's cyclamen or Persian cyclamen, is a charming perennial adorned with sweet-scented, petite blooms in shades of pink, white, and red. Its heart-shaped, silver-marbled leaves add to its allure, making it a popular choice as a houseplant, particularly during the winter holiday season. Cyclamen goes through a summer dormancy period, regrowing quickly each fall from its tuberous roots. Interestingly, seeds planted in late summer yield blooms approximately 18 months later.
Soil: Cyclamen thrives in loamy, moist, and well-drained soil with an acidic pH.
Conditions: This delightful plant prefers partial sun exposure and is well-suited for indoor cultivation.
Size: 6–9 inches tall, with a similar spread of 6–9 inches.
NOTE: Please let us know upon ordering these what your colour preference is as they are assorted in colour.